Izdelki za bančna banka (12)

eBSEG Digitalna Bančna Rešitev

eBSEG Digitalna Bančna Rešitev

As an award-winning banking solution, eBSEG offers a comprehensive and innovative digital banking platform that allows banks to unlock the power of digital solutions. From online banking to mobile banking and everything in between, eBSEG also provides a digital sales and onboarding platform to manage sales, expand customer base, and attract more leads from potential customers. You have all you need in one platform for building exceptional customer experience. eBSEG has created its Omnichannel Digital Banking Platform covers modern digital channels including: - Internet Banking (Desktop) - Mobile banking - Tablet Banking - Chat Bot Banking (Text & Voice) - Digital Sales & On-Boarding - Digital Loans/Lending/Finance - Apple Watch Banking - Omnichannel Business Banking - ATM/Kiosk Touch Banking - Call Center Transaction Banking - Manned Branches Omnichannel experience - eMessaging Engagement Banking (SMS Push and Pull, iOS and Android Alerts, Browser Web Alerts, WhatsApp, Email).
Regulativna Strategija

Regulativna Strategija

Stratégie réglementaire
Bančništvo in finance - storitev

Bančništvo in finance - storitev

Westside’s activities in finance sector includes provision of advice to banks and other banking institutions as well as provision of legal support to investment, construction and trade companies within the framework of project financing, financial risk management, receivables restructuring. Among the major projects of Westside in this area: Work in international team of law firms when structuring International Bank of Reconstruction and Development investments into a Russian-Ukrainian agro-industrial holding; Legal due diligence of an acquired bank (Top-20) on the purchaser’s part; Protection of bank owners and management at the stage of the bankruptcy proceedings; restructuring of a major agro-producer credit portfolio between two major Russian banks. Also Westside represents Russian and international financial and investment institutions’ interests in state courts and arbitration proceedings in Russia and abroad.
Izterjava Dolgov

Izterjava Dolgov

WORLDWIDE, FAST, PROFESSIONAL, AND ABSOLUTELY TRANSPARENT In addition to comprehensive consultation, we assess the prospects of success for your outstanding international claims in advance and, if necessary, engage our experts on-site to quickly realize your demands. We act as intermediaries between you and your customer, approaching them in their native language and mindset. This significantly increases the chances of success and, in most cases, avoids a time-consuming and costly procedure.
Finančna Raziskava

Finančna Raziskava

Investigations financières
Revenues Bank

Revenues Bank

“At Revenues Bank, we remove 99% of business barriers by building and transferring revenues to our clients.”
zunanjega CMO

zunanjega CMO

La solution pour structurer votre marketing, sans les coûts fixes ! Stratégie, déploiement opérationnel, et résultats concrets. Nous sommes votre directeur marketing externalisé, adapté à vos besoins.
Podjetje za programsko opremo

Podjetje za programsko opremo

Anfix es una plataforma de gestión empresarial y contable en la nube diseñada para facilitar el día a día de pymes, autónomos y profesionales contables. Con una interfaz intuitiva y herramientas avanzadas, Anfix permite gestionar la contabilidad, facturación y finanzas de forma eficiente y segura desde cualquier lugar. Entre sus principales características, destaca la automatización de tareas repetitivas como la creación de facturas, la conciliación bancaria y la generación de informes financieros, lo que ayuda a ahorrar tiempo y reducir errores humanos. La plataforma está diseñada para cumplir con las normativas fiscales y ofrecer información actualizada en tiempo real, lo que permite a los usuarios tener un control total sobre sus ingresos y gastos. Además, Anfix proporciona herramientas para la colaboración con contables, facilitando el intercambio de información y simplificando la comunicación en el proceso de gestión contable. Con su enfoque en la simplicidad y la flexibilidad, Anfix se ha convertido en una solución ideal para aquellos que buscan mejorar la eficiencia de sus procesos contables y administrativos, sin complicaciones técnicas. En resumen, Anfix combina tecnología y experiencia para ofrecer una solución integral de gestión empresarial en la nube, ayudando a las empresas a tomar decisiones informadas, optimizar sus recursos y crecer con confianza.
Trgovinsko Financiranje in Delovni Kapital - Posojila za Poslovanje in Financiranje Projektov na Voljo

Trgovinsko Financiranje in Delovni Kapital - Posojila za Poslovanje in Financiranje Projektov na Voljo

Cucina Finance (UK) Limited provides personal loans/business loans/trade finance/import & export loans/project loans to companies of all sizes ranging from individuals, companies and trader's globally. No jargon, no hidden fees Simple approval process Fast business loans funded in just 2-3 business days Low Interest rate of 2% Prior bankruptcies accepted Zero credit checks required CIS & KYC required for all loan applicant irrespective of location/country Loan Duration from 1 year - 20 years maximum Grace period of 12 - 24 months for large business loans/working capital Loan Funding/Financing is not limited to any geographical location or country whatsoever For further details, Kindly contact us via email, telephone, Skype. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. CUCINA FINANCE (UK) LIMITED https://cucinafinance.com Email: finance@cucinafinance.com Tel no: +44 (123) 388-5014 Whatsapp: +44 7425-381661
Konzultacije - Celovito Svetovanje za Podjetja

Konzultacije - Celovito Svetovanje za Podjetja

En el área de otros trámites ofrecemos a nuestros clientes diversos servicios que pueden demandar en su día a día. - Gestión y liquidación de Impuestos de Transmisiones Patrimoniales y Actos Jurídicos Documentados, compra venta de inmuebles, préstamos. -Realización de trámites de herencias y liquidación del Impuesto sobre Sucesiones. - Trámites municipales, solicitudes de licencias. - Trámites catastrales. Expedientes de dominio. Regularizaciones ante catastro. - Estudio y tramitación de ayudas o subvenciones empresariales.
Pružitelj bančnih instrumentov - Pravi ponudniki bančnih instrumentov

Pružitelj bančnih instrumentov - Pravi ponudniki bančnih instrumentov

Kingrise Finance Limited was incorporated in Hong Kong on 22-SEP-1999 as a Genuine Bank Instrument Providers, lease bank instrument providers, international bank guarantee providers, real bank guarantee provider, lease bank guarantee provider, providers leased bank guarantees, Real BG/SBLC Providers worldwide, top letters of credit providers, genuine letter of credit providers, lease standby letter of credit (SBLC). We have been providing these financial services to our numerous customers all over the world including importers, exporters as well as customers that need credit enhancements or trade finance facilities to execute projects locally or internationally. Our loan interest rate is just 3% annually and you can get loan financing from us with or without security or collateral. The loan term is up to 30 years with a grace period up to 3 years for those in the construction industry.
Zaposlitvena agencija

Zaposlitvena agencija

Du technicien au cadre dirigeant, on vous trouve les perles. Des experts qui comprennent vos enjeux et votre réalité.  Un modèle transparent, sans surprise, adapté à vos besoins et votre budget.